Electronic Case Reporting (eCR)
Electronic Case Reporting (eCR)
Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) is the automated generation and transmission of case reports from the electronic health record (EHR) to public health agencies for review and action. eCR makes disease reporting from healthcare to public health faster and easier.
Reporting infectious diseases is an important component of overall public health.
This use case allows healthcare providers to send case reports regarding a patient’s infectious disease status to the NJDOH as per the state reporting requirements.
eCR improves the detection of outbreaks, allowing for earlier interventions, as well as diminishes the burden on healthcare providers to report data to local jurisdictions.
For Further Assistance
Thank you for your inquiry regarding Electronic Case Reporting. The management of eCR is now being overseen by the New Jersey Department of Health. Please direct your communications to ecr@doh.nj.gov for further assistance.
You can also visit the New Jersey Department of Health web page for Electronic Case Reporting for more information.