Highlander Alumni Personal Growth Series – Session #2

Session 2: Leverage the Two Dimensions of Time

The Highlander Alumni Personal Growth Series focuses on lifelong learning, self-discovery, and skill development for individuals to achieve their full potential. Through insightful webinars, our purpose is to inspire and guide participants on their journey of continuous personal growth, equipping them with the tools, mindset and strategies to thrive in both personal and professional aspects of their lives.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Learn to differentiate between the two dimensions of time, Chronos (sequential time) and Kairos (opportune moments), and understand their relevance in personal and professional contexts.
  • Acquire practical techniques to manage and balance Chronos and Kairos in their schedules, enhancing productivity and recognizing opportunities.
  • Develop skills to integrate both dimensions of time into their goal-setting processes, ensuring a balanced approach that considers both routine tasks and strategic opportunities.

To register for this alumni webinar series, click here.