Board of Directors

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NJII's Board of Directors

Bob Medina

Chairman/Principal, Medina 43 Business Strategies

Teik Lim, Ph.D.

President, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)

Kenneth Blank, Ph.D.

President, University Research Strategies

Robert Cohen, M.S.

President Digital, Robotics, & Enabling Technologies, Stryker

Nick DeNichilo,

Former President & CEO, Mott Macdonald

Atam Dhawan, Ph.D.

Senior Vice Provost for Research, NJIT

Theresa Edelstein

Senior Vice President, Center for Partnerships Transforming Health - NJHA

Debbie Hart

President & CEO, BioNJ

Prabhas Moghe

Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Rutgers University

Dean J. Paranicas

Former President & CEO, HealthCare Institute of New Jersey

Jen Rowland, CPA, CMA

CFO, Girls With Impact

Dhiraj Shah

Founder & Executive Chairman, Avaap

Michele Siekerka, Esq.

President & CEO, New Jersey
Business & Industry Association

Al De Seta

Partner, Venture Capital/Angel Investing

Joel Bloom, Ed.D.

President Emeritus, NJIT

John Pelesko, Ph.D.

NJIT Provost & SVP of Academic Affairs, NJIT

Wesley Mathews

President & CEO, Choose NJ

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