“Power Skills” are the New “Soft Skills” in an AI Generation

When people think of “soft skills”, they may be inclined to consider them less important than technical skills. While they may be difficult to measure, soft skills are essential to success in almost any industry or occupation. At their core, these skills include the capability to collaborate, communicate, and manage time, among others.  Today’s employers place emphasis on development and ability to demonstrate these skills.   

Whether you are working with colleagues from different cultural backgrounds or communicating with customers and clients from different parts of the world—the ability to navigate these unique dynamics and build strong relationships in the workforce is the key to being successful. For this reason, it may be more effective and accurate to refer to such skills as “Power skills”, especially in an ever-changing workplace environment. 

With the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) in the professional world, the importance of power skills has increased indefinitely. Julie Kratz, CEO of PivotPoint states, “As AI continues to transform workplaces, industries, and everyday life, the importance of human expertise such as communication, problem-solving, and creativity cannot be overstated”. These skills are necessary for instilling collaboration and staying competitive in a technology-driven world. 

One of the most essential power skills is effective communication, a critical and highly valued component of professional success. Professions in AI including machine learning engineers, data scientists, and AI researchers, often work in teams, where clear communication is critical to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders. These strategies can be applied to business development and marketing as well, especially when AI tools are implemented. In addition, effective communication builds trust, ensures that AI concepts are understood to meet project goals, and helps alleviate the skepticism attributed to AI advancement. 

Since ChatGPT exploded in popularity and usage, it seems like a new, flagship AI tool is being developed and released every few months. Text, image, audio, and video generation are rapidly improving in quality and efficiency, meaning professionals must constantly be up to date on the newest methodologies, tools, and software. This involves the ability to experiment and adapt to new ideas, as a prompt strategy for an older model may not work with a newer model. Adaptability is a power skill that ensures professionals can get ahead by driving innovation and maintaining relevancy. 

AI users and professionals who can approach problems holistically, both by considering technical solutions and human factors, are better equipped to successfully handle AI in the workplace. Data quality, security, and robustness must always be considered when using AI, as the imperfections of these models are often overlooked. The ability to solve problems in a team or individual setting is more important than ever, making it a significant power skill. Collaboration also cannot be overlooked in this regard, as teams who solve problems together learn together.  

As AI continues to fill various aspects of industries and occupations today, the need for power skills becomes ever more vital. Clear communication, adaptability, and problem- solving are essential for steering the intricacies of AI-use in the workplace. These skills not only enhance the capabilities of professionals, but also ensure that these technologies are used ethically, responsibly, and inclusively. By creating a strong foundation of power skills, individuals and organizations can grasp the full potential of this AI generation while addressing the team-based and human-centered challenges that accompany this transformative technology. 

AI-based learning is a major component of NJII’s Learning and Development Initiative (LDI). Learn more about LDI’s Skills Over Summer Workshop Series that combine AI upskilling and power skill development.