Meet Libre Jones and Beloved Upcycle: A Profeta Entrepreneurship Success Story 

Libre Jones has style – Maximalist style! 

While taking an upholstery class, Libre fell in love with reimagining and revitalizing vintage furniture. With a flair for design and a new-found, deep-rooted passion for reupholstery, she transforms classic pieces of furniture from old and tired to fresh and fabulous. Once she realized that her new love could grow into a business, she knew she needed to go back to the classroom: this time to learn how to become a businesswoman.  

Libre completed the Profeta Entrepreneurship Workshop, a free nine-week program at NJII for people in Newark and the surrounding communities. The Workshop teaches business fundamentals, focusing on key topics new and small business owners need to be prepared to tackle such as: validating a good business idea; researching their market; understanding business financials and conducting simple financial analysis; developing a pricing strategy; and marketing goods and services.  

Taking the course gave Libre the business foundation she needed to launch Beloved Upcycle. Her imagination and skill allow her to create captivating masterpieces that resonate with charm and character while her diligence in learning best business practices has allowed her to create a path to profitability. 

About Beloved Upcycle & Libre’s Process 

Libre scours estate sales, resale shops, and flea markets looking for pieces of furniture that speak to her. She looks for old furniture with classic details that is well-built and ready to be reborn.  

In her home workshop, she spends time re-imagining each piece. She gently strips old upholstery and embellishments that have served their past purpose. She cleans fine wood finishes, making light repairs as necessary. When deciding on a new visage for the piece she considers style, form, colors, textures, and trim. Libre chooses modern prints that complement the furniture’s shape and to give them a fresh look and a modern feel. 

Some pieces just need new foam cushions and upholstery while some pieces need more attention; she will sand and paint pieces if the original wood finish is beyond saving. 

Libre Today 

As a designer, Libre creates a vision for each piece of furniture; as a businesswoman, Libre has developed a strategic plan for Beloved Upcycle. With her newly learned skills and industry knowledge, she has launched a marketing campaign on Instagram that illustrates Maximalist style, upcycling techniques, her visits to thrift stores and used furniture stores, and her own upcycling process. Today, two organizations have asked her to offer classes to help people understand the possibilities of upcycling. Now that her revenue is growing, she hopes to find an affordable workshop space. 

Libre breathes new life into aged treasures, transforming them into vibrant expressions of her clients’ individuality. Beloved Upcycle is a result of life-long learning and a reflection of her persistence and ingenuity.  

Learn more about NJII’s Entrepreneurship programs, resources, and services, and get in touch today!